News The July 22, 2002 PEOPLE magazine featured Kim Fields in the Style Watch section on page 83. The article was about big headbands, and how they are coming back in style. Featured along with Kim Fields is Kelly Osbourne, Minnie Driver, Sela Ward, Zooey Deschanel, and Brooke Shields.
New from NBC: 'The Rerun Show'
HOLLYWOOD, California (Reuters) -- NBC is adding some all-new reruns to its summer schedule.
Variety reports the network has ordered six new episodes of "The Rerun Show," a half-hour comedy that uses an ensemble troupe to re-create and spoof scenes from classic (or campy) sitcoms such as "The Facts of Life" or "The Partridge Family." It is set to air Tuesdays at 8:30 starting in mid-July. The cast is still being finalized.
"Rerun," from NBC Studios and Sony's Columbia TriStar Domestic Television, will use the Sony library of sitcoms as the basis for scripts.
While "Rerun" scenes will be shot tongue-in-cheek, "every word spoken will be as written in the original script," said Russ Krasnoff, president of programming and production at Columbia TriStar. "The costumes and actions will change, but not the words." |
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Crybaby Ryan Cassidy fans sue small town FOL fan!
AP-Washington, D.C- Yesterday, rabid fans of former 80s teen sensation, Ryan Cassidy, presented the owner of Lizs Facts of Life site with a subpoena to appear before the Supreme Court. Apparently, she was said to have posted an email from a FOL fan on her website, which seemed to offend the almost 20, errr many Cassidy fans out there. "This is violating my free speech", the Cleveland native said. Although she made a formal apology before the court today and removed the article in question, she was found guilty of offending Ryan Cassidy fans, a new felony that was instilled just last week. She was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole. This will send a message to the many people out there who started their own fan sites, that nothing is safe and a shocking new concept, not everyone agrees with opinions. |